Tuesday 12 August 2014

RDM Technical Infrastructure Review - Addendum 1

A Review of Options for the Development of Research Data Management Technical Infrastructure at the University of Sheffield: Addendum 1

4.     Infrastructure Components

4.1.  Integrated systems and integrating components
ONEIS for research provides three connected modules to support the whole university research lifecycle. ‘Research Manager’ is a CRIS component, providing management of grant applications, project costing, ethics and project approval and data management plans. ‘PhD Manager’ provides administration of PhD registration, supervision, progress review and completion. ‘Data Curator’ provides a means of long-term secure storage, description of data with rich metadata, data discovery and access, and administration of licensing and access rights. These ONESIS components were developed in collaboration with the University of Westminster.

4.3.    ‘Archive data’ storage and digital preservation systems and services

4.3.8. Figshare (additional information)
‘Figshare for Institutions’ provides a ‘project area’ for collaborative working (includes collaborators from outside the institution). The cloud storage facility is provided by Amazon Web Services (S3 and Glacier), though Figshare can hold metadata only ‘Stubb’ records for data held elsewhere. Figshare is integrated with Symplectics [4.6.1], ORCID [4.9.5] and Altmetric [4.9.10], uses Shibboleth authentication [4.9.4] and mints DOIs from Datacite [4.9.1]. Figshare is OpenAIRE[1] compliant and a CLOCKSS[2] collaborator.

4.3.9. Rossetta (additional information)
Rossetta is storage agnostic: any storage service may be integrated via the Storage Abstraction Layer, using plugins. The preservation workflow is configurable, and the metadata schema is highly customisable. The system architecture involves an Oracle database, uses Java APIs and a SOLR search engine. The preservation process incorporates the PRONOM global digital format registry[3] for file charachterisation.

4.3.10.    Archivematica https://www.archivematica.org/
Archivematica is a free open source CMS / repository system for managing preservation of digital content, designed by Artefactual. The system has a micro-services architecture which provides a suite of tools for processing digital objects from ingest to access in compliance with the OAIS reference model. Archivematica uses METS, PREMIS and Dublin Core standards, uses the Bagit format [4.8.2] and is incorporates PRONOM. The system provides a ‘dashboard’ for public search and access, and for administrative / archiving functions.  Files are stored in local or remote storage services, managed through multiple configurable pipelines. Once processed, the DIP (Dissemination Information Package) may be uploaded to a CMS for web access – AtoM [4.2.15] is the (bundled) default access system, but ContentDM [4.2.10] may also be used.  Implementations include Columbia University Libraries, Harvard Business School, MoMA, and Yale University Library.

4.3.11.    RODA http://www.roda-community.org
The Repository of Authentic Digital Objects is a free open source digital preservation system built in Java. This is based on the Fedora Commons platform [4.2.3] which provides the ‘RODA Data Services’ backend, above which is the ‘RODA Core Services’ layer, based on secure web services, which handles the ingest workflow, preservation planning, repository querying and administrative functions. On top of this lays the RODA web user interface (based on the Google web toolkit), providing access through download and embedded web viewers. The preservation actions (compliant with the OAIS model) and migration services are handled by a separate component. RODA is interoperable with other systems, such as AtoM. Used by the National Library of Wales, King’s College London and University of Dundee.

4.3.12.    Preservica http://preservica.com/
Rreservica is a proprietary digital preservation system developed by Tessella. The software as a service system is built from Java and provides flexible storage options – cloud storage using Amazon Glacier, S3 and RDS, local file servers or a hybrid system. The web interface includes embedded rendering / viewers. Interoperability with other systems through APIs (Java, REST and SOAP) and OAI-PMH [4.8.3], and integrates with Sharepoint [4.4.3] and discovery systems [4.5]. Preservation workflows are configurable, file formats are characterised by PRONOM and technical metadata extracted using JHOVE[4]. Customers include National Libraries of Australia, Estonia, Finland and Latvia; UK National Archives; Met Office; UK Parliament; Wellcome Library.

4.3.13.    Amazon S3 http://aws.amazon.com/s3/
The Amazon Simple Storage Service provides a web-services interface for secure cloud storage of unlimited volumes of data. This service offers fast retrieval compared to Amazon Glacier.

4.5.   Catalogue software / Access platforms

4.5.9. ICA AtoM https://www.ica-atom.org/
Designed by Artefactual , 'AtoM' (acronymn for 'Access to Memory') is a free web-based archival description software that is based on International Council on Archives ('ICA') standards. This system allows organisations to create standards-based descriptions of their archival holdings and subsequently publish them to the World Wide Web.

4.9.        Identifier services and identity components

4.9.10.    Altmetric  http://www.altmetric.com/
Altmetrics, supported by Digital Science (as is Figshare, Projects and Symplectics), collects article level metrics by tracking mention of schoralry articles. Three products are offered – ‘Altmetrics explorer’, for viewing, analysing and reporting metrics for articles in the database; ‘Embeddable badges’ which add metrics to a journal platform or application; Altmetric API, giving flexible metric display.

[2] CLOCKSS (Controlled LOCKSS) http://www.clockss.org/clockss/Home
[3] PRONOM global digital format registry http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/PRONOM/Default.aspx
[4] JHOVE (JSTOR / Harvard Object Validation Environment http://jhove.sourceforge.net/

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